Our Vision and Values

Our vision and values


We are independent, inquisitive lifelong learners; resilient, confident and empowered to make the right choices. Together, or as individuals, we are equipped to meet the exciting challenges of the 21st Century and achieve our full potential.

At Horton Grange we develop and reward children for developing and demonstrating our key HORTON values. We will achieve our vision by being….

Happy, healthy and hardworking

On a journey together to be the best we can be

Respectful, responsible and resilient

Truthful and tolerant

Open minded and outward looking delivering…

New experiences, new horizons and excellent outcomes for all.

Horton Grange Mission – to develop lifelong learners and successful citizens

• We welcome all children regardless of their ability or needs and will work with you to ensure they reach their potential.

• We develop children who are confident independent learners with positive and responsible attitudes and a strong sense of equality and justice.

• We equip them for the challenges of their next steps in life.

We do this by

• focusing on developing reading, writing and maths skills

• providing a broad and stimulating curriculum

• promoting independence

• setting challenging targets and checking how well we are doing.

• being a learning community

• enjoying what we do, we work hard and are determined to aim high especially when the going is tough!

• making the most of opportunities and challenging each other to succeed.

• treating each other with respect, caring about and supporting each other regardless of difference - we don't tolerate discrimination

• We are open and honest and believe together we are strong.

• We continue the systematic development of capacity and capability alongside a relentless focus on outcomes for pupils.