Headteacher Message
Welcome to Horton Grange Primary School! I am delighted and proud to be Head Teacher at Horton Grange after having worked as Deputy Headteacher for a significant period of time and being part of the amazing journey that this school has been on. There is something special about Horton Grange – we’re proud of our school and our achievements!
Our school website will give you a flavour of what we're about and hopefully it will encourage you to find out more, whether you're a pupil, a parent or a visitor. If you require paper copies of documents on our website, school will provide these free of charge.
At Horton Grange we work hard to be the best we can be in all areas of school life. We expect a lot from adults and children alike - we support and challenge each other to aim high and achieve our goals. Children know what it means to be a 'Horton Hero' and part of 'Team Horton'. We are committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning – achieved through a combination of challenge, support, encouragement and praise – to ensure that all students fulfill their potential.
Everyone at Horton Grange is a learner - there is always new knowledge or new skills to learn. Respect for ourselves and each other is at the centre of relationships across the community. We also believe our attitudes play a big part in our achievements. Our young people are expected to take responsibility for their learning and their future and to make the connection between their choices, actions and outcomes. We are determined children and adults alike will be prepared for the next stage in their lives.
In some ways we have a traditional view of what's important and in others we are at the cutting edge as you will see when you visit us. If you can't find what you're looking for please contact us via the link above.
I hope that our website will inspire new parents to visit Horton Grange Primary School, as I am always happy to show visitors the work of our school.
Very Best Wishes
Nichola Irving
Head teacher